Dennis Cheatham is an Associate Professor of Communication Design at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He is a Graduate Director of the MFA in Experience Design, Coordinator of the BFA in Communication Design, and a Research Fellow in Miami’s Scripps Gerontology Center. Dennis’s research examines the interplay between design and people at an experiential level. His work attempts to decipher aspects comprising experience design scenes to enable research and design for relevant and meaningful experiences. He applies findings to his people-driven practice, which investigates barriers that prevent people who are marginalized in southern Ohio and northern Kentucky from discussing and recording their end-of-life choices. This transdisciplinary research project, titled Living Values, seeks to co-create experience-rich products, services, and systems that enable people to complete advance care planning in ways that match their needs, values, and preferences. This work informs his pedagogical research for developing experience designers. Dennis practiced design professionally for fifteen years as a creative director, graphic, interaction, and experience designer at agencies, in-house, and non-profit organizations in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Dennis holds a Master of Fine Arts in Design-Innovation Studies from the University of North Texas, a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design Communication, and a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Texas Tech University.

Here's another line!